Monday, July 30, 2018

Week 52 | not going to!

What a week! 
Yeah, not going to lie... It was a really hard transfer for me! Sister Gadd went home, that is soooo weird!! So it's a little sad but I am happy for all my friends. 
Training is good! I mean, I am exhausted all the time and its been so stupid hot, but whats new right? My new companions name is Sister Holbrook! She is so cute! We are going to have lots of fun!
I mean we had such a good start to the transfer and honestly what a start to her mission! The first day of the transfer was Cecil's 67th Birthday! We got to go to Peter Piper Pizza, it's like Chuck E' Cheese for teens kinda. But it was really fun! We got to be there for him and play some ski ball and take some cute pictures in the photo booth! It honestly was soooooo much fun! 
We also got to do a lot of finding this week. As hot and exhausting as it was it was so good. We found 5 new investigators and we saw soo many miracles! I think it is going to be a great transfer. 
Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for all the words of support and for all the prayers! It really does make a difference and TRUST ME it does not go unnoticed.
Love you lots!!❤
Sister Grant