Monday, July 2, 2018

Week 48 | God will make a way

This week was pretty long. Had some pretty rough days but it turned out to be a great week! I think this is turning out to be one of the best transfers I've ever had. It helps that I freaking love my companion. She is hilarious and we always have a good time. We are literally always laughing about something. It's been really good, it has helped me be a better missionary. I feel happier, and because I feel happier I am able to talk to have more confidence in talking to people. And boy have we met some fun people this week.

I have been trying something new this week. I have been taking a little bit of time out of my personal study to personalize a Book of Mormon to give to someone. I take a few minutes to study something that I can share with someone and highlight different verses or write my testimony or make notes in some of the margins. And it has been AMAZING! Everyday I have been able to find someone who needed to hear those exact messages. And they have been different everyday.

Both sister Hewlett and I had doctors appointments in Oro Valley on Thursday. So we got to go over to the mission office and I finally got a picture with the ATM sign! That was my first area. I was literally at the mission office everyday for like 5 months, so I can't believe it took me this long to get a picture.

On Friday we spent like all day walking around giving food to homeless people. It was AWESOME! We had so many good conversations with people about Christ. We even made a new friend, he asked us what we were doing and when he realized that we "walk with Jesus" he was so excited. It caught me off guard when he came over and grabbed our shoulders and prayed over us. But it was really sweet. He kept rhyming so I asked him if he raps. He started spitting some serious fire.....I asked if I could video him and he asked me if I would please share it with the world. So here you go...

I have been wanting to take more picture by the murals. There is so much street art here in Tucson, I love it! So when we were out talking to people on Friday we stopped to take a Pic by this mural. Happy 4th of July!

Hope you guys have a fantastic week! Enjoy the holiday! Send me all your cool pictures of fireworks and fun things you guys are up to. I have no idea yet what we are doing for the 4th.. It's just a regular day for us. I don't even think we have a dinner that day... I'm sure we'll make it fun. So it'll be interesting to see what we do.
Love you all!

Sister Grant