Monday, July 9, 2018

Week 49 | just gonna send it

Yeah, so this week felt like 3 years long. It was a great week, I just can't believe everything that happened! 
So at the beginning of the week we had zone conference. It was probably the best zone conference I've had! The spirit was just really strong and I felt a new motivation to go out and work. Normally I leave feeling like I don't even know where to start with all the things that I need to change and all the countless ways I need to be better. But this time it was a lot different. I felt a lot more love for the people that I am teaching and that I can do this because I was sent here for the people. 
Sister Hewlett is amazing and got to sing at zone conference! I was sitting there like, man I wish I could get a video of this.. yeah, I'm dumb. So I started the video a little late, but it's still good.
Lets see... Oh yeah. Wednesday was the 4th of July. So yeah, that day was a royal bummer. I was so excited to see fireworks. But nah. We actually missed our ward breakfast, which were the funnest plans we had for the day. And then it was just like any other day. We got to see a couple fireworks for a hot second on our way home, but that was about it and they were way in the distance. But it's fine, I'm not bitter or anything. 
Thursday was good. Went to trot like normal! I should really get some pictures of us at trot... maybe next time. Then we had our zone breakout at night which was super weird. We talked about everything we did in June and how we did on our goals as a zone and then we set new goals for July. I think it is going to be a good month. 
Friday was awesome!! Started the day off right by having a quality breakfast with my main man Dennis the Menace. He took us to black bear! Then we got a call from the mission office saying that we needed to come pick up our NEW CAR! So yeah, we ridin in style. lol jk it is the same just newer. But it took way longer than what we were expecting, so we got to hang around for awhile and talk to all of the missionaries that were at the leadership meeting. Super fun to see all my homies! So I got to see sister williamson and elder west! Finally got a squad pic! And then the best thing in the world happened!!! I GOT TO GO SEE CHUCK!!!! We had a lesson with him and we got to catch up. It was so good to see him! 

Keep it cool! have a good week friends! 
Sister Grant