Monday, July 30, 2018

Week 52 | not going to!

What a week! 
Yeah, not going to lie... It was a really hard transfer for me! Sister Gadd went home, that is soooo weird!! So it's a little sad but I am happy for all my friends. 
Training is good! I mean, I am exhausted all the time and its been so stupid hot, but whats new right? My new companions name is Sister Holbrook! She is so cute! We are going to have lots of fun!
I mean we had such a good start to the transfer and honestly what a start to her mission! The first day of the transfer was Cecil's 67th Birthday! We got to go to Peter Piper Pizza, it's like Chuck E' Cheese for teens kinda. But it was really fun! We got to be there for him and play some ski ball and take some cute pictures in the photo booth! It honestly was soooooo much fun! 
We also got to do a lot of finding this week. As hot and exhausting as it was it was so good. We found 5 new investigators and we saw soo many miracles! I think it is going to be a great transfer. 
Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for all the words of support and for all the prayers! It really does make a difference and TRUST ME it does not go unnoticed.
Love you lots!!❤
Sister Grant

Monday, July 23, 2018

Week 51....Megan Trainor

Wow. This transfer came way too fast!!! I am really really sad to see my beloved Sister Hewlett go. But I know that this will be a good transfer. Can you believe that I AM TRAINING!!!??? I can't. Round 2 baby. I am super excited actually. But it's really funny because now no one will call me sister Grant.. Everyone keeps calling me Megan Trainor. Like all the members call me that too now which I think is super funny, I mean I don't really care. 

This week was pretty crazy, but seriously, what's new. It was just a very sentimental week I guess. Knowing that our district was all getting split up and that everything is changing. Not going to lie, it was really hard to say some of these goodbyes... And I am staying! But it's still hard. I mean, it's never going to be the same. Not that it is going to be bad.

Anyways, some quick highlights from the week. We got to go up to Oro Valley two days in a row! That was kinda fun. So we got some cute pics by the Be Kind sign. It is Tucson's motto, and I love it!! 

We also got some pretty quality pics at district meeting. They might be odd, but they are accurate. Most of the pictures this week are just random because you know, it was our last week. Had to get a few good ones in. 

We also got to go out to eat with a family that sister Hewlett met in Marana and they were super funny. It was really nice to meet them and get to know them. 

Not much to really write about this week. But I have been thinking a lot about what I have learned over this last transfer and it sure was a lot but I think one of the biggest things that I learned was the power of priesthood blessings. It was not an easy transfer, not that I think there is such a thing. But this transfer seemed to really stretch me in ways that I didn't think were possible. And in the past I had a little bit of pride, I thought that I could figure it out on my own. That I was tough and that I didn't need help. But man have I been humbled. I don't know why I was like that, I can see now how badly the Lord wants to help us and wants to speak to us. I had the opportunity to receive a few blessings this transfer and I am so thankful for the priesthood in my life. I am thankful that God loves us so much that he has given us this tool to be able to be more in tune with Him and His will. I am also very thankful for the peace it brings into my life and the strength it gives me to keep going. 

I love you all! have a wonderful week!

Sister Grant 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Week 50 | praying mantis on your neck

Yeah, I think this has been one of my favorite P days of my whole mission. I love that everyone in our district gets along so well. We had a pretty crazy day! We went mini golfing which was pretty intense if I say so myself. But I totally won. 
Some highlights from this week..
Finally got a picture at TROT! IDK what the elders are doing in the back. I think they were looking at a lizard or something..

It was Henry's birthday party this week! He turned 1! He is the cutest little guy. He is the son of a lady that we are teaching and she invited us to the party, so of course we had to go!

Had a crazy lunch with the elders a couple days ago. We pretty much do everything as a district. I love it. But we were at Wendy's for lunch the other day. Just enjoying our high quality meal of course. And I had this tickling feeling on my neck... And then Elder Wilson gives me a weird look and starts reaching for my face! He like flicks my neck and casually says "you have a praying mantis on your neck" WHAT THE CRAP. Everyone starts busting up laughing as I have a total spaz attack in the middle of Wendy's. It was clinging on to me for dear life and I could not get it off! And let me tell ya, I was  vigorously whipping my head around while like rapidly slapping myself in the face to get this thing off of me. Luckily I caught it right before it almost crawled into my fetching EYEBALL! I ended up like throwing it across the room. I have no idea where it went. And I have NO IDEA where the heck it came from... Oh my gosh though. If people didn't see us before, EVERYONE definitely knew who we were when we left.. Sorry I don't have any pictures of that one.
We did a lot of service this week! So we actually drove to Vail (which is WAY outside my area) to do some service at this high school. I was happy to do it, but I feel bad because they didn't need our help at all.. I did probably like 5 minutes worth of something useful.. But they gave us pizza which was good! And we had some good conversations with people too. But let's be real, I was just happy to actually wear jeans and talk to the other missionaries hahaha!

I am kind of excited because we get to go to the Oro Valley like every week for the next like month! I love going to the Oro Valley!! It was my baby area (my first area) and I am going to try to see if I can see people when I go up there. 
Monsoon season has officially started! WOW. I forgot what the humidity is like! But I honestly love it. I don't feel like I am baking in an oven! I feel like I am melting and I sweat more. But it's AZ I don't even care because I just sweat all the time... 
After dinner one night we went with a member of our ward and talked to some people and got to find some new people to teach. She is so funny! She came in our car and she was sitting in the back and I was driving and she just like opens her arms out really wide and just goes, "WOW! I feel like I'm in a movie!" I just said, yes. Welcome to my life. It feels that way because it's a big joke. 
But we found this drive-thru bar with a pretty cool mural so we stopped to take some pictures. Don't worry, we didn't buy anything. But we did give a pass along card to the guy at the window. 
I hope you are all doing well! Have a great week!
Sister Grant

Monday, July 9, 2018

Week 49 | just gonna send it

Yeah, so this week felt like 3 years long. It was a great week, I just can't believe everything that happened! 
So at the beginning of the week we had zone conference. It was probably the best zone conference I've had! The spirit was just really strong and I felt a new motivation to go out and work. Normally I leave feeling like I don't even know where to start with all the things that I need to change and all the countless ways I need to be better. But this time it was a lot different. I felt a lot more love for the people that I am teaching and that I can do this because I was sent here for the people. 
Sister Hewlett is amazing and got to sing at zone conference! I was sitting there like, man I wish I could get a video of this.. yeah, I'm dumb. So I started the video a little late, but it's still good.
Lets see... Oh yeah. Wednesday was the 4th of July. So yeah, that day was a royal bummer. I was so excited to see fireworks. But nah. We actually missed our ward breakfast, which were the funnest plans we had for the day. And then it was just like any other day. We got to see a couple fireworks for a hot second on our way home, but that was about it and they were way in the distance. But it's fine, I'm not bitter or anything. 
Thursday was good. Went to trot like normal! I should really get some pictures of us at trot... maybe next time. Then we had our zone breakout at night which was super weird. We talked about everything we did in June and how we did on our goals as a zone and then we set new goals for July. I think it is going to be a good month. 
Friday was awesome!! Started the day off right by having a quality breakfast with my main man Dennis the Menace. He took us to black bear! Then we got a call from the mission office saying that we needed to come pick up our NEW CAR! So yeah, we ridin in style. lol jk it is the same just newer. But it took way longer than what we were expecting, so we got to hang around for awhile and talk to all of the missionaries that were at the leadership meeting. Super fun to see all my homies! So I got to see sister williamson and elder west! Finally got a squad pic! And then the best thing in the world happened!!! I GOT TO GO SEE CHUCK!!!! We had a lesson with him and we got to catch up. It was so good to see him! 

Keep it cool! have a good week friends! 
Sister Grant      

Monday, July 2, 2018

Week 48 | God will make a way

This week was pretty long. Had some pretty rough days but it turned out to be a great week! I think this is turning out to be one of the best transfers I've ever had. It helps that I freaking love my companion. She is hilarious and we always have a good time. We are literally always laughing about something. It's been really good, it has helped me be a better missionary. I feel happier, and because I feel happier I am able to talk to have more confidence in talking to people. And boy have we met some fun people this week.

I have been trying something new this week. I have been taking a little bit of time out of my personal study to personalize a Book of Mormon to give to someone. I take a few minutes to study something that I can share with someone and highlight different verses or write my testimony or make notes in some of the margins. And it has been AMAZING! Everyday I have been able to find someone who needed to hear those exact messages. And they have been different everyday.

Both sister Hewlett and I had doctors appointments in Oro Valley on Thursday. So we got to go over to the mission office and I finally got a picture with the ATM sign! That was my first area. I was literally at the mission office everyday for like 5 months, so I can't believe it took me this long to get a picture.

On Friday we spent like all day walking around giving food to homeless people. It was AWESOME! We had so many good conversations with people about Christ. We even made a new friend, he asked us what we were doing and when he realized that we "walk with Jesus" he was so excited. It caught me off guard when he came over and grabbed our shoulders and prayed over us. But it was really sweet. He kept rhyming so I asked him if he raps. He started spitting some serious fire.....I asked if I could video him and he asked me if I would please share it with the world. So here you go...

I have been wanting to take more picture by the murals. There is so much street art here in Tucson, I love it! So when we were out talking to people on Friday we stopped to take a Pic by this mural. Happy 4th of July!

Hope you guys have a fantastic week! Enjoy the holiday! Send me all your cool pictures of fireworks and fun things you guys are up to. I have no idea yet what we are doing for the 4th.. It's just a regular day for us. I don't even think we have a dinner that day... I'm sure we'll make it fun. So it'll be interesting to see what we do.
Love you all!

Sister Grant