Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 39 | Puppies!!

Transfers are tomorrow. They are sending me to Tucson! I am excited, I am going to be in like downtown Tucson, and I am staying on a bike! I guess Pres thinks I need to lose a few more pounds or something lol! But I have absolutely LOVED it her in the GILA VALLEY! The members are amazing. Honestly they didn't need me here, but I am so glad I got to be here because I needed them. I have learned so much while I have been here. These people are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met and truly make me want to try harder, be better, and love deeper. I will never forget my time here in Thatcher and I will cherish the memories I have made forever. But I know that the Lord has a work for me to do and He has more people he wants me to meet. 
This week has been crazy, but that's old news. Sister Zamora's bike is broken so we have been walking everywhere. So I have been nice and tired. Also, my arm is still numb from that scorpion bite... but I think it'll be better in a few days. I don't know, I said that last week, so I guess we will see. Everyone keeps telling me different things so I honestly don't know. I think I will wait a few more days and then if it is not better I will look more into it. But for now, I will keep hunting them down. I am getting pretty good at getting those little stingy bois! I've caught about 20 this week. It is actually really fun. Every night before bed we take our black lights and pliers and go around the outside of our apartment a couple times, then we do a sweep in our apartments, we check our beds and then we go to sleep. It makes me feel better knowing that I have them trapped in a jar instead on in my bed lol

On Tuesday I got to go on exchanges with Sister Gadd! As always, it was so much fun. We always make jokes, but she really is a great trainer and I have learned so much from her. I am really really going to miss serving around her. I feel like we always have the craziest stories together and see the most bizarre things. This time it was a cat feeding dogs.. Yes. It was so funny. But hey, the puppies were the cutest little things ever! We got to held them and play with them before dinner. We also went to an investigators house and when we realized she wasn't home we finished her weeding and it was actually so much fun. We were out playing in the dirt in our dresses in the middle of the afternoon. Good heavens I didn't know I could sweat so much. And this is what scares me about going to the city on a bike...
This week was really good. I did a lot of reflecting on my time here in Thatcher and I learned a lot. I tend to get really down on myself because it is hard to know when you have given your all and to know what "success" is. But this week really taught me a lot about what a good missionary is. And I learned that there is no good missionary, there is no perfect missionary. The best missionary you can be is yourself. And as long as you give 100%. But I think what I really learned is that 100% is not a fixed number. Your 100% is going to look a little different everyday. Which is why it is so vital that we rely on the Lord, and I think that you are successful if you rely on the Lord. 
I am so thankful to be a missionary because of all the people I meet and the lessons I learn everyday! I am going to miss Thatcher. But I know that there is so much more to learn and so many more people to meet and I can't wait! 
I wish you all the best!! I have to give a very special s/o to a few of my favorite people here in Thatcher, the Blairs and the Hollars (you can't get rid of me) Elletts, Michelle, and Kelli! You have all taught me so much and I love you all ðŸ’œ
Sister Grant