Monday, April 23, 2018

Week 38 | just a scorpion bite!!!

Not a ton happened this week, but it's totally fine. Because everything that did happen was plenty exciting. 
Thursday night/ Friday morning I had a little not so nice friend crawl into bed with me... I rolled over in bed and there was a scorpion! It got me on my arm, on the inside of my elbow. It was the middle of the night, and as soon as it got me I yelled so loud and pretty much stood straight up. I leaped over to turn the light on. Oh my word was sister Zamora mad at me!! She thought I was trying to be funny or that I was sleep walking or something. And she looked over and saw it and was just like, you have got to be kidding me! So I asked her to kill it for me. Nope. She wouldn't even get out of bed. She just said, it stung you already, no use in risking me getting stung... She is a true friend. So I got some toilet paper and went to grab it and as soon as I picked it up I totally freaked out and I threw it right back on my bed. I really had to talk to myself to get myself to kill that thing. It was so bad. But after trying a few times and screaming a lot, I was able to pick it up and flush it down the toilet. Yeah, I didn't go back to bed... and it was 1:30 in the morning. It hurt so bad. I can't even really explain how bad it hurt. It felt like someone was cutting my arm open with a knife and then burning it. And that feeling lasted close to 12 hours. Then it started to feel like when your foot falls asleep and is coming back and it feels like pins and needles. That lasted around 5-6ish hours or more and then it went numb and my arm has been numb since. I will probably get feeling back by tomorrow. It is truly the most awful thing in the world. Especially because there is really nothing you can do about it. Some people say that you can put vinegar on it, some people say oils work. But truly nothing works. Maybe some things make it a little better, but there is really nothing you can do but wait it out. Like, even ice doesn't do anything. I almost think that ice made it worse. It felt like it was on fire, but as soon as I would put ice on it, it felt like it was making it hotter. If I didn't know it was ice, I would've thought that it was a hot pad. It was so weird. 

Then last night I was getting ready for bed and we found another one!! It was in our light. I wasn't gonna go near that thing, so I called my ward mission leader and his wife and they came and rescued us. He took the light off of the ceiling and almost dropped it on his head. But then after teasing me with it for a while we flushed it down the toilet. Now I can really say that I have lived in Arizona! 

We did a lot of service again this week which was super fun. Pima hosts the largest boy scouts triathlon in the nation and we got to help with it which was a blast! On Friday night we got to do all of the body markings. A little ironic that the missionaries were doing it but it was fun! So we wrote everyone's number on their arm and leg. And then on Saturday we got to check everyone in and put on their time chip things. It was pretty long. We had to get there at like 6 in the morning and didn't leave till the afternoon. But I love doing service. Getting to wear pants and a T shirt, count me in! And we get to be there with all the other missionaries. 

Not a ton else happened. We are excited, Danyella is due this week! So hopefully I get to meet the baby before I go. Transfers are coming up one the 1st of May. And Sister Zamora will be finished training, so she will most likely take over the area and I will probably get the boot. 
Oh yeah, last week I got that massage and it was the best thing in the world! She did this thing called auriculotherapy. Its like acupuncture for just your ear but instead of needles it's these little bead things. It was supposed to help me sleep and relieve some of the tension in my neck. I think it was working, and then I got stung by a flippin scorpion. But it was pretty cool I guess. 
I also went back to the doctor this week to talk about the results of my blood work. Everything came back fine. So I guess for now I will just keep trying to drink as much water as I can and get in a couple naps whenever I get the chance and see how things go. 
I am doing really well though! I am learning so much. And there are so many wonderful people that take such good care of us! We met a member in another ward last Sunday at stake conference and she is AMAZING! She is fellow shipping one of our investigators and she is such an answer to my prayers! She fed us on Monday last week, she is so funny. I asked for Thai food just because no one around here has ever had Thai and I like to ask for crazy things to see who will actually do it. And she not only made Thai food, she decorated her house and everything. Now she drives us everywhere and I don't know what I'd do without her!

Hope you all have a wonderful week! 
Sister Grant