Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 37 | alive and well

Hello from the Gila Valley!
I am still alive and well :) it's been a fun week.. We've had like 30-45 mph winds all week, but I survived! It was actually pretty funny because we live in the middle of dirt fields, so there have been a ton of dust storms and dust devils and stuff, there was one day we were out and I was feelin pretty good. I was thinking, man, I am getting quite the tan today! And then I took a shower that night... Yeah, I'm not tan at all. There has just been so much dust and dirt that we get so disgusting by the end of the day. We can't even ride our bikes. We thought that maybe we could one day and then we were riding down the highway and it was so windy that I kept tipping over and almost running into traffic. It was so bad, we haven't done that again.
This week was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Our investigators who were on date to be baptized this weekend just dropped us which was really sad. But we have been working hard to stay positive and focus on the miracles and boy has there been tons!
We got a call from an investigator this week and she was in a total panic. She had just moved in to this place and was renting a room from this guy, it went south and she needed to get out of there right away. But we don't have a car and she was out of our area. So we called around and got someone to drop us off. And then we got the bishop to come and bring his truck and his brother brought another truck, so we were able to get her all moved out and she was okay. It truly was a miracle how fast we were able to get there and get her out. Then we were all happy and feelin great and then we realized, we didn't have a car, none of them could give us a ride, and we were out of our area at this really creepy guys house in a really sketchy part of town. So we started walking back and we had called a few different people to see if they could come pick us up but we didn't really know if anyone was coming. And then after we walked a couple miles down the highway, a lady from our ward came to the rescue! It was an exciting day. Oh yeah, and that same day it was sister Zamora's first time getting chased by a dog! It was so funny, we got home that night and she sits down and says, "Dang, I feel like a true missionary today".
We got to go see George again this week! He is so funny, he is one of my favorite people ever.
We also got to take the whole zone with us to the nursing home that we go visit every week. We got to go sing some hymns for them and then we all stayed and visited with the residents for a while. It is so much fun, but most of them still have no idea who I am. And we go twice a week. And I have been here since Christmas.. But its okay, most of their jokes and stories are still funny.
This week we did a lot of service which was really fun. At this point I'll do anything to have an excuse to wear pants hahaha. But really it was great, we got to clean 2 different hoarders homes this week. We cleaned up one ladies yard and the other ladies storage room. The yard was so much worse. I felt so bad, I was trying to be happy and have a good time, and of course I don't every want to offend anyone. But I truly couldn't control my gag reflexes. I don't think she saw me, I hope she didn't but lets just say it was kinda gross...
It was Thatcher Stake conference this week, and it was so good. The talks were focused on ministering and what it means and what it looks like to love your neighbor. I really liked it. This is an amazing stake! And I really am excited about all the "changes" with this new ministering program! Because hopefully there shouldn't really be any change. Stake conference was fun, Danyella and her little boy Landon came and sat with us in the front. Oh my. Landon is so loud, and normally I really don't care. But it was stake conference and it was being broadcast to 3 other buildings! The whole time we were just trying to keep him quiet so that Danyella could have a chance to listen. It was fun, I just hope that people in the other buildings couldn't hear him. But I am just glad they came!
Hope you all had a good week!
Sister Grant