Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 35 | Dr appointments

Happy Easter and April Fools! 
This week was pretty good. It feels like it flew by. It was super hot which makes me nervous, because I am so not ready for summer. 
We finally took sister Zamora to the doctor, she has bronchitis. She takes it like a boss though. She never complains or takes a break. I have to make her slow down hahah. Our members are awesome. They take such good care of us. So our dear friend Sister Batty took us to the doctor and then picked us back up. And because we were already in the town over she was just like, you can't stop me from taking you out to lunch. So we went out for tacos, and then she drove us around until sister Zamora's prescription was ready. 
Conference was soooo good. We got to watch with members and investigators. Last week we bought a bunch of cute journals and then we gave one to all of our investigators so they can write their questions and insights down during conference. I love being a missionary during conference!
I am so bad, I don't remember anything from this week. I woke up this morning and I thought I was going to die I was so tired! I have never been so tired! 
This week is gonna be another busy week. I have a doctors appointment to get my eyes checked. My eyes are still giving me grief and its messing with my head. So I hope everything is okay. But I guess we'll find out. 
Hope everyone has a good week! Sorry there is not much to say this week. Take care.
Love you all, 
Sister Grant