Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 36 | so nice to see trees

Today has been a fun P day! We went hiking this morning which is why we are emailing so late today. But it was a blast! Some members from Safford took all of the sisters up to the mountains to go hiking. It was so nice to see trees. But it made me appreciate home, it was a good drive out there and the hike was really short. But hey, I'll take what I can get right? 

I feel like this week was like a month long, so I'll try to keep this brief, but I just feel like so much happened this week.
So the beginning of the week was filled with doctors appointments which was exciting. My eyes have been getting so tired and they hurt all the time. It was getting hard to switch back and forth between near sighted and far sighted which was getting to be a problem. And to make it better, the more my eyes hurt, the more my head hurts and it was giving me migraines. Joy. So I went to the eye doctor. Turns out, I have an irregular astigmatism in my right eye. And they can't do anything for that while I am on my mission because it takes to long to take care of. So for now its just whatever. But the doctor did some other tests on my eyes and he said that he doesn't think that the astigmatism was my problem. He suggested that I go get my blood work done. So I call my nurse and she agreed with the eye doctor. So I also went to get my blood tested this week too. Fun fact about me, I really don't like giving blood, at all. But I was brave and I went anyways! It was so funny though, I was super nervous so I was getting pretty giggly and then the nurse just looks at me and says, "Oh no, are you going to pass out". I just look at her, "ummmm nooooooo?" My comp was in the back nodding her head yes. So she took me into a different room so that I could lay down while she took my blood. It was fine. I didn't even pass out! No, instead I biked to my interview with my mission president right after! That was not as fun... But we got to go out to eat to my favorite restaurant after interviews. So it was all worth it. Also good news, they got back to me about my results way sooner than I was expecting and they said everything looks normal. So I will go back for my follow up appointment next week and I guess I'll see what happens.

We also had our zone conference this week! It was really good. We talked about being SAM missionaries. There are so many Sams in the scriptures and we talked about how there is a pattern of them all being Simple And Meek. So we talked about how we can each become more Simple And Meek or a SAM missionary.

I got some news this week that has me really thinking. I got a call from a close friend in Tucson who just took over my old area and she told me that my investigator and dear friend Donna passed away. It was truly a miracle that they even found out, because after I left the sisters pretty much stopped meeting with her because they knew she was too sick to be baptized. They also lost the number I gave them to get in touch with Donna's sister. But they were able to find Donna's sister after they found out about Donna's passing and they found more information to get in touch with the family. So I got this call and now have all of the information to reach out to them. I am really excited because I know that Donna is so excited to be baptized. Before I left Tucson, Donna asked me to take her name to the temple. And her sister agreed to let me do it. So now I get to start working on getting that permission in writing so that I am able to go to the temple for Donna. I know she is just waiting on the other side and is so ready. How amazing that we have a knowledge of the plan that Heavenly Father has for us and can find peace in it.

A real highlight from this week was our service on Saturday! We started out at the dump, real exciting. But because so many of us came, there wasn't very much for us to do. So they sent us to go help out at the Special Olympics!!! It was so much fun! They had us help with handing out the medals. It was also fun because we got to watch our good friend George compete. He even got to carry the torch at the beginning of the games! He even won a gold medal for the javelin. Even though I am pretty sure he was disqualified for purposefully throwing it at another person ðŸ™Š hahaha oh George! It's a good thing they were using foam javelins lol! It was so hot that day, sister Zamora and I got fried! But that was some of the most fun doing service I've had on my mission. And getting to go do service is probably one of my favorite things to go do as a missionary!

So this week has been pretty great! Loving life, just trying to soak it all in. Love you all, hope you have a great week!

Sister Grant