Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 27

Hey everyone! 
This week was pretty great. It was the last week of the transfer and I feel like we ended it with a bang! Sister Church is getting transferred to Tucson tomorrow and I am going to train a new missionary! Pretty excited. This is like one of the best areas to train though because we get so much support from members and there are so many missionaries so close, so I'm sure it'll be just fine. And there is some amazing work going on in the area right now! We have lots of people that we are meeting with regularly, and we actually just set up a regular appointment this week with someone who has been nearly impossible to get in touch with! And the best part is that they were the one to bring it up and ask if we could come every week! we also set 2 new solid baptismal dates this week which I am really excited about because now that I am training, I will be in the area long enough to be here for their baptism! I love them so much, and the ward has been amazing about coming with us to lessons and inviting them to church! Their son is a recent convert, so he comes to all of the lessons as well and it has been so good for them! 

We ran into a lot of people this week that we have been trying to contact for the longest time which was amazing! So this week should be pretty busy, putting the new sister straight to work. It's going to be so much fun! And we will actually get to ride our bikes! I can't imagine she will actually refuse, unlike sister Church hahaha! I mean she has a valid excuse, but it's still annoying. I have to say, as stressful as this transfer has been, sister Church and I have become really good friends! I have no doubt we will be friends up at school, we will be there at the same time! 
I hit 6 months on Friday! That is so weird to me... I don't know what's weirder, I have been out for that long, or that I have a whole year left. A couple elders that came out with me were talking about how they were gonna go burn a tie to celebrate and then they said I couldn't go, so you better believe I had my own fire! hahaha I was walking around my apartment the other day and noticed that I have a burn barrel in my backyard! How did I not see that before? So I burnt some boxes that we've been meaning to get rid of and had a nice little fire to ourselves :) I am actually really surprised at how long I kept it going for having no wood. It was so fun! I miss having fires so much!! 

Saturday we were teaching our investigator Adam. He has long hair and it is always covering his eyes! So we were giving him a hard time about it and asked if we could put it up into a man bun and after some strong convincing, he actually let me do it! We were dying it was so funny!! 

The rest of the week was spent saying goodbyes and lots and lots of pictures for sister Church! 

Wish you all the best!
Sister Grant