Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 29

Well, I think this week went a little better! I mean, of course it's always a party with us. Always having a blast! But we are really starting to get into a groove and we were able to have some amazing lessons this week. Also, another reason this week was amazing was because it RAINED pretty much all week! And it was a rare rain, it felt just like Seattle :D It was a constant drizzle for like 3 days. It was beautiful. I mean, now everything is just mud and it makes it hard to ride a bike.. But it's totally worth it. 
This week we really started teaching Chris. He is the dad of the kids we teach. He has been taught before, but this time he has a different attitude and really wants to listen to what we have to say. He asked such good questions about the plan of salvation and Joseph Smith and it led to some really good discussions. This is so huge! I think this is really going to help the kids and the kids will really help him. They just have so many blessings coming their way. And he even came to church, which was amazing because it was such a powerful sacrament meeting about love at home and eternal families. So inspired :)
I was thinking during sacrament meeting about how I can help some of the people in the area come to know that this is true and how I can make a difference and it actually made me sad. There are so many people who do all of the things that we ask them to. They live the life of an active latter-day-saint. But they will not be baptized. They have testimonies, they see the blessings that come. But they cut themselves off from the ABSOLUTE GREATEST BLESSING which is the companionship of the Holy Ghost. They know it's true! It kills me to see them live such righteous lives and to limit themselves from the blessings that Heavenly Father so desperately wants to give them. Of course I still love them and are proud of them and all the progress they make and I respect their agency. It just hurts my heart to know they could have so much more.   
We also got to teach Danyella the Word of Wisdom and I was just so impressed! Normally this is the lesson that is hard for people to swallow but she was just so excited to start living it. She is so cute, she asked us about this tea that she has been drinking and asked if it was okay. I had never heard of it so I couldn't give her an answer. So then on Saturday, we went to her baby shower and she brought it for me to look at. It has green and black tea in it so I just said sorry, looks like it's a no. She just kinda shrugged and turns around and asked all the ladies, who wants my tea? I am living the word of wisdom now so get this outta here. Hahaha she is awesome! And her shower was great! Lots of ladies from the ward came, as well as some of her friends and family. I am so glad we got to go. 
After the baby shower on Saturday we took a guy we are teaching to a baptism that the elders were having. It was so amazing! The spirit was so strong. I was so impressed at the speakers too. But one thing that I was really impressed by that really brought the spirit was after he was baptized and we were waiting for him to change, the elders gave out slips of paper for us to write our testimonies and conversion stories to put in a little book to give to him as a baptism gift. It was a good time to really reflect and share what I have learned with someone who is starting this new adventure. 
One of the highlights of this week was Valentines day! (the day before Valentines Day, to celebrate all your gal pals) Sister Gadd and I went on exchanges and it was the most fun I've had in a while! And I mean I feel like I have fun everyday! But it was just so funny spending the day with her. Because we are dumb we took some pretty freaking hilarious pics and vids! And I am sorry, there really is no explanation other than its an inside joke. But when I watched it the first time I laughed so hard that I was crying so hard! And if you know me, you know that I cry hard when I think something is really funny! I could hardly breathe, but it's the dumbest video! 

Can't complain, it was a good week! Love you all! 

Sister Grant