Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 28

This week has been the BEST! Crazy. But crazy awesome! 
I am a trainer now. And let me say, it is so much fun! I love my companion! her name is sister Zamora. Poor thing, I am always messing with her. But we have so much fun! She is so ready to go out and work. And she is super chill, so she isn't even phased by my weirdness. It's great! 
Tuesday was transfers and it was such a long day. I had to wake up at 4:30 to go to Tucson to pick up sister Zamora. I went with sister Gadd because she is training too! So now she is Grandma Gadd, and I have a sister hahaha! It was a long day of meetings. But we got to go out to lunch with the other sisters. We met up with Sister Hammond for a family lunch. Because sister Hammond trained sister Gadd who trained me, that makes her my grandma. So we call her Grammy Hammy. Grammy Hammy trained another sister named sister Johnson, so she is my aunt. She is also training this transfer, which means I have a cousin. And then there were some other people that came and they are some how related to us, I can't remember how. But we have like the biggest missionary posterity in the mission. So we all went out to lunch and got pictures and it was so much fun! Sister Hammond is like one of my favorite human beings on the planet and I love coming up with nicknames for her. So now my baby has to call her Ham-ma because its her great grandma, and we are all part of a big happy hammily! I don't know why I think that it is so funny, but we have so much fun. 
We didn't get back to the Gila valley till like 5 that evening so when we got back we pretty much went straight to dinner and got to work! It's awesome too because sister Zamora loves the bikes!! So I was right! We do ride the bikes all the time now. 
It was such a good week! I got to speak at Kellen's baptism. I was so honored that they asked me. They don't normally have the missionaries do it, but with our story and everything that's happened they really wanted me to do it. I think it was fine. But what was so funny was that they used my first name on the program. Bishop was conducting the baptism and when he called my name he hesitated and was sooo confused. I got so many weird looks! And now most of the ward knows my first name, which is actually really weird to think about. I am surprised at how fast I got used to being called sister that now I don't respond as much to Megan. 
But the baptism was really special and I was so excited that I actually got to be there! Miracles do happen :) 
Sunday was fun! It was sister Zamora's longest day of Church. It was so fun to watch her and remember my first Sunday on the mission. It is not easy to go to 7 hours of church every week. Its one if not the most exhausting day of the week. But I think we will start bringing lunch and keeping it in the kitchen, because I actually brought snacks this week and it really helped. So I think having lunch would make life that much better. 
Anyways, the rest of the week was good! talked to lots of people, met lots of new people, stayed busy and laughed pretty much the whole time :) Sister Zamora and I get along really well so we laugh at pretty much everything. Life is sweet :) 
Have a good one!

Sister Grant