Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 57 |"WHO'S DENISE?"

WOW! I can't believe it has already been 6 weeks! Transfers are here once again! and.... wait for it.... *drum roll*..... I AM STAYING IN PIMA!!! I am so happy, although it's crazy that by the end of the transfer I will have been here for 6 months! But I absolutely LOVE this ward!! Sister Holbrook is being transferred to the other Pima actually, all the way in the Gila Valley! Can't say that I saw that one coming, but she will have so much fun. And I am really really excited for my new companion sister Wilcox to come!! She was in the other half of Pima ward before we had elders and then she went to my old area, Thatcher, and now she is coming back!!! She is honestly the sweetest soul I have like ever met. I could not be more excited! 

This week was actually fanfreakintastic! I had a blast! Also, Dennis brought me a huge case of diet coke so that may or may not have anything to do with it ðŸ˜‰ But I just felt such love for everyone this week. I mean, I have always loved them, but I was reminded this week of the wonderful friendships I have made and for all of the people who have changed my life. 

It was a good week I know that, but I'll be honest, it all just blurs together and I don't remember when things actually happened. But some highlights I do remember, we got to go to lunch with our dear Billy!! He has been in and out of the hospital, but was still determined that he was going to take us out to lunch! He is such a sweet heart!
We also had some amazing miracles this week with finding new people to teach. So a couple weeks ago while eating breakfast sister Holbrook asked me a question about Pat, and apparently I was not paying any attention because I totally heard something about a Denise. So I gave her a kinda sassy, "WHO'S DENISE?" Anyways, she thinks it's like the funniest thing ever so we say it all the time. We have been wondering who Denise is for weeks now. Well. We found her! We were out trying to find this apartment and this lady comes up to us and after a really awesome conversation we gave her a Book of Mormon and got her phone number and when I asked for her name, she said it was Denise. Oh my gosh, Sister Holbrook totally lost it! She started laughing so hard, which made it really hard for me to keep it together! It really isn't that funny, I just think it is funny how funny she thinks it is.
This week we saw Pat pretty much every day! It was actually kinda great! We had 2 lessons with him, we brought him to a baptism, and we brought him with us to 2 or our dinners this week! He is awesome! We even got to hear him play the guitar. He is so good. And then we got to see him at church! 
We also met with Dulce this week!! She is from Brazil, her English is okay, but we bring some members with us to translate. Her lessons are always really cool. She is so much fun! She was so sweet, she was telling me how grateful she was for all that I had done and gave me this beautiful bracelet to remember her by. She is moving to Phoenix at the end of this month, so I am really sad to see her go. Not that it is that far, but far enough that I won't get to see her.
We also had our last district meeting of the transfer and Elder Myers is going home, so of course we had to take some dying pics. 
I am sure there is a lot more that happened this week. But I really am drawing a blank... all I can think of right now is how I am going to help sister Holbrook pack everything by tonight, she hasn't even started and we have to go to dinner soon. YIKES #ripme! I know I am going to end up doing a lot of it. whatever, it's fine.

Love you all!

Sister Megan Grant