Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 58 | Mini me

Hi friends,
This week was so much fun!!! I am so happy that transfers went smoothly! I got to see all my pals at the transfer site! I got to see sister Zamora!!! So naturally I made her and sister Holbrook take a family picture with me! Sent them off to the boonies together, it was a tender moment lol! But then I had fun for the rest of the day because my new companion sister Wilcox didn't get here until like 4ish. So the other sisters that were waiting for their comps came over to my apartment for the day because I don't live to far from where the transfer site is. It was great, I got to chill with Dennis, I set up his Facebook. Oh my goodness, what did I do! He has been having way to much with that this week hahaha, he is so cute!

This week was pretty chill. I don't remember if I mentioned this before but I got to serve with sister Wilcox back when I was with sister Cooper, but she is back now in the other half of Pima ward with me! So it was fun to go and get to see everyone and confuse them having Sister Wilcox back. 

We got to have a really fun lesson with Dennis this week, we brought some of my favorite people from the ward. This  little girl, I call her mini me. She reminds me so much of myself of when I was younger. And not only was I so excited that we got to bring them over to Dennis's, but it was mini me's birthday!! She turned 4! We got some little glittery crowns to wear during the lesson. Hahaha the girls didn't even wear them, but you better believe Dennis kept his on the whole time. We had a grand ol time. Dennis LOVES to have people over and feed everyone snacks. So he was ecstatic to host a little birthday party/ lesson. We had this Balloon game that we attempted to play. And we tied a balloons to our ankles, and the idea was that you had to pop everyone else's balloons. Well the balloons would NOT pop! So it turned into the girls just trying to pop their own balloons and doing somersaults over them. It was really funny. Not the most spiritual of lessons, but definitely an entertaining one.

No complaints from me, Billy treated us to a fine lunch at Raising Cane's. My deepest apologies for anyone who has not yet had the sacred experience of tasting of the divine Cane's chicken finger. If you are one of those lost souls that has not had this opportunity yet, I urge you to please do so. I can promise you a truly unforgettable and life changing experience.

This week we also got to have a fun picnic with Pat and Patti! I know, weird right! Patti refused to be in the picture, but she lives in our apartment complex and we go and see her all the time. And on Friday night some members dropped dinner off to us, so we invited Pat and Patti over for a little picnic outside our apartment. It was a lot of fun, and we got to to have kind of a little lesson.

This was a crazy week at church! The high council speaker who was supposed to speak in our ward didn't show up.. So after a 2 minute heads up, I got to fill in for him 😅 It's a good thing I don't have a problem with public speaking because that talk was PURELY led by the spirit! And I think it may have been one of the best talks I have ever given. Maybe I should always do it like that.. 🤔 LOL JK

At church we also had a cool little miracle. We met this lady from China, she is here for a week and a half with her husband while he is at this dentist seminar. She wanted to go to church, so she typed in Christian church on Google maps and we were the closest one! She stayed all 3 hours and we stayed and talked with her after and she wants to learn more! So we are going to meet with her on Tuesday and answer her questions. It will be interesting to try and teach her because she will go back to China, she is not allowed to have Facebook there, so she gave us her email so we can keep teaching her that way. How cool is that! 

Well, that's all I got for this week! I love you all and hope you have a great week. 


Sister Grant