Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 59 | Diet Coke and good tunes

Hello outside world!
This has been a pretty great week!! Nothing out of the ordinary, but nothing too bad either. We pretty much spent all our time with Dennis, Pat, or Sarah. 
With Dennis, we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse which was soooo good! He spoils us rotten OMG! But we also got to have a lesson with him. And even better, Sister Johnson and Sister Holbrook came to stay a night with us this week and we got to go over and see Dennis. He was so excited, I thought he was gonna cry! It was so much fun!

Oh Pat, we spent a lot of time with Pat. We had a lesson almost everyday with him this week. We are just trying to help him get ready for baptism. He is so ready, but as soon as anyone gets close to baptism the adversary hits hard. So we are trying to keep a close eye on him and support him anyway we can. 

We finally finished Sarah's Plan of Salvation poster! We have been doing personal progress with her for a while and we have been helping her with this Plan of Salvation poster. She absolutely loved doing it! It was really special to see her get so excited when it was time to work on the poster. Like, this is the most excited I have ever seen her! It was also really funny because we spent a lot of time talking about the wedding. I don't know how much or if I have talked about Sarah's wedding at all. But her and Colby are getting married in November, and I will be home by then! So she asked me if I would be a bridesmaid! HECK YEAH!!!! So we were talking about dresses, mine is going to be grey, perfect 😍

Like I said, nothing too out of the ordinary this week, wish I had more funny stories. But I am sure this week will be a good one! 
Love you all,
Sister Grant