Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 56 | Thunderstorms are here

Not sure what to say about this week. It was a week.

I went to the doctor to go over the results of my blood tests. I am all healthy. Nothing was too out of wack. yay
This week we got to go to Pinnacle Peak with my main man Dennis! That was fun! 
It has been raining which is fun. I love the thunder storms here! 
Also, I don't know if I have talked about Pat yet.. But I found him a while back when I was with sister Cooper. We started teaching him and he just took off with it and has been progressing so fast! He is a whole new person. I just love this guy so much! We set a date with him this week and he is sooooo excited! He even FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON!!! I am so proud of him! So that was a big highlight to my week.

I also got to go to the temple this week. and this time I actually got to do a session and really take some time for myself and it was so good. Much needed. It has been a long time. I think the last time that I actually went to the temple to do a session was when I was being trained by sister Gadd... But it was good. My dear friend Gina took us, she is a member of my ward and may or may not be like my favorite person ever hehe! 
But this week was just pretty chill. Sister Holbrook and I got to fill in for singing time in primary on sunday and that was super fun! I have no musical abilities but whatever, I just would wave my arms around and play different games to make it fun.

Life is still going. So I can't complain. I did get some good studies in this week. I was sitting on a bench on the temple grounds and I was reading in D&C 33 and my whole perspective changed..

17 Wherefore, be faithful, praying always, having your lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom
18 For behold, verily, verily, say unto you, that come quickly. Even so. Amen.

When I read this I thought about it as our testimony being the lamp and the oil as how we are taking care of ourselves. It is our energy, our motivation, our conviction, it is what lights our testimony and helps it to really burn brightly to share it. And so it made me think about where I am at. I have a testimony, but how alive is it? How brightly is it burning? Because we can't share the oil, but we can share that light with everyone. And it made me realize that in order to take care of our testimony, to make sure that we have that fire behind it, we need to be caring for ourselves. Not just spiritually. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Those are all things that are factors in keeping us from feeling burnt out. And it is okay to ask the Lord for help, with any of these things. And he always promises that he will come to our aid. But we have to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves so that we can let our testimony shine brightly! 
Anyways, just a little spiritual thought for ya! Love you lots!
Sister Grant