Monday, August 20, 2018

Week 55 | a little odd

Hey Fam!
Soooo this week was a little odd. Different that is for sure. But I guess life is good more or less. A lot happened. So last pday was just not my day, I can say that much. It was right as we were leaving for dinner as I walked out the door and realized that I left the keys on the counter... But my comp had already locked it from the inside! The office to our apartment had already closed too. So I started making calls because we couldn't leave, our car keys and everything was still inside. So I called our dinner and asked her to come pick us up. But while we waited I found the number to the emergency maintenance number. So long story short, our ride is waiting for us out front, but the maintenance guy shows up and lets us in! What a relief right! So we end up going to dinner but then then this member gets a call from the other sisters (they knew that we would be with her) and they told us that they knew where our phone was. So I was like... UMMM its in my bag.. But they told us that Larry the maintenance guy had it for some reason. And I was like, this is not funny, do you know how frustrating it was to get back into our apartment. But they weren't kidding! He really did have our phone. I have NO idea.. but somehow in the process of letting us back into our apartment he ended up taking our phone by accident! Thank goodness he answered our phone when the other sisters called! So then we arranged for him to stop by in the morning to give it back. Well, if that wasn't enough for one evening, it was then, at 9:15 that my dear sweet quiet companion decided to remind me that we forgot to pick up our last load of laundry from a different members house! So then we were left with no phone to tell them that we forgot our laundry! Good news is, we got our phone back and all our laundry is back, and actually folded! But yeah, welcome to my life :)   

We also had zone conference this week. It was really good. But I am not going to lie, I was just so tired. I am always so tired. I totally fell asleep in the middle of it. But it was good. I even got to have a quick little interview with President Browning after to go over how training is going and ask some questions that had come up. It was good to just sit down with him to go over how this transfer has been going. He has been super supportive and trying to help me get back to my normal self. I have been just feeling a little sick recently.

I went to the doctor this week and my doctor was concerned that I have more going on, so he sent me to get my blood work done and then I will go back on Thursday to go over it all with him. So I went in on Friday to get that taken care of, and I had another sister take me because I HATE GETTING BLOOD DRAWN. I literally think it is the worst thing ever! Give me as many shots as you want, but when it comes to drawing blood out... Yeah, I get a little sick. So I had another sister take me because my comp doesn't do any blood whatsoever and so I thought it would probably not be very good if both of us passed out. So she got to stay home while I almost died! lol jk! 
I got a call today actually and the doctor said that the results that came back are all good however there were some of the tests that got messed up... So lucky me gets to go back in tomorrow to go do it again! Joy. I couldn't be more thrilled. But really, it will all be fine! I'm okay I promise! Hermana Atack took me out to kneeders after, so its all good =)

Other than doctors appointments we did some work I guess hahaha. We have been going through the ward list and visiting every single person that we do not know. Its great! However it is soooo tedious. 

We also had stake conference this week. My whole zone has been practicing this musical number for it, so we sang in the saturday night adult session, and I think we sounded pretty good if I say so myself haha! But it was fun, President and Sister Browning even came to both sessions of our stake conference which is pretty cool. Always good to see them!

I promise that there were other cool things that happened that are a little more on the happy side. We had a lot of really cool miracles! We had a few really strong promptings to go see people, so we dropped our plans and visited these people and it was crazy! One guy had just gotten home from being in the hospital for like 3 months and he was scared that the ward had forgotten about him and he didn't know how to get a hold of anyone. So we were able to help him get in contact with people in the ward. We also had a really cool last minute lesson with an investigator. She has been extremely depressed. We normally sit with her as she has breakdowns on the floor. But this time we were able to have a really good uplifting message and were able to find more of the root of what's been going on. We even sang "I feel my Savior's Love" which totally came out of nowhere. But we were able to really get through to her and help her feel the spirit. Not that her whole life has changed. But her perspective has, and she has been so much more hopeful and filled with peace! I feel privileged to be able to see firsthand the miracle of the Savior's love. To see this woman, completely suicidal, no hope, ready to give up the fight, change and now able to see the beauty in life and feel hope and even a little boost of motivation! 
This gospel is so true. There is nothing more true in this entire universe. The joy and peace and relief it brings is indescribable. 

I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Grant