Monday, May 28, 2018

Week 43 | "GET BUSY"

Hey Everyone! It has actually been a pretty good week. I don't have a ton of time to tell you all about it, but I guess I can tell you some of the highlights. 

This Wednesday we had our zone conference. President Browning's mission president came! His name is President Fenn. It was quite the talk he gave. Telling us all to be more obedient and that we can do better and then, the best part was that he said that when we get home we need to "GET BUSY". Wow, I was not expecting that. He just said that when he went home from his mission he was married a month later and then 9 months after that they had a baby. And he said we all need to do the same ðŸ˜‚

Okay, but the rest of Zone Conference was actually really good. I learned a lot from President Browning. And it was way fun because it was a half mission conference. So all of the Tucson zones got together. Got pictures with my zone and then also all the missionaries that came out with me. They also had monster size watermelons, so a few of us stayed for a watermelon eating contest. It was good. 

Billy took us out to lunch again this week. Always so much fun going out to eat with Billy
We also got to go see Dennis in the hospital. He is a recent convert and he is also our next door neighbor. He is the greatest!! Everything is fine now. But when we went we got so hopelessly lost. I mean, like it is stupid how lost we were in that hospital. 

(hey, I have to go to dinner, but I will see if I can finish this email tonight)