Monday, June 4, 2018

Week 44 (My week in Hell)

Okay, so I guess this whole week wasn't bad. But I will say that it looked pretty bad. 
Highlight from Tuesday, we had a bible bash with this guy and when he realized that we would wreck him if he got into it with us he just gave up and started yelling, "WHAT ARE YOU... 10? AND HEY YOU, YOU MUST BE 12" 😂 It was so funny, we could not stop laughing. And to be clear, I was the 12 yr old. I think that was the first time ever that someone thought I was the older one 😂

It is getting soooooooo hot. Today we played tennis and it was 107. And that has been all week it has been low 100s. On Wednesday Sis Cooper and I were at this apartment complex looking for a bible referral. So we are sitting on this bench in the shade and our bikes are next to us in the gravel and all of a sudden my tire just EXPLODES. And in like 5 seconds it was dead. It was literally so hot that it just popped. Yes, the tire was a bit worn, but still... That is TOO HOT

Then Thursday came and it was so horrible. I woke up in the middle of the night with the biggest stomach ache. I could not sleep at all. And then finally at like 5 I puked my guts out. And that was the next 3 days. I am feeling much better today. But I have to say, I don't think I have ever been so sick. Luckily they didn't take me to the hospital. But I was stuck in bed like all week. But honestly, it is sooooooooo hot that all the sisters in the area just kinda used it as an excuse to chill in the AC for a bit. Everyone and their dog came to "check in on me" and ended up staying for so long. But not that it made a difference to me. I don't remember much. I did feel bad though because Sister Johnson came down from the Gila Valley to stay with us before some meetings they had and I was so sick. But it was really nice because sister Gadd came over on Friday. She was like the only person I wanted to talk to or see. It was a little miracle. It actually took me a minute to realize that I wasn't dreaming. I woke up and she was just sitting on the edge of my bed, I have no idea what I said to her but it was probably pretty weird, it was the fever talking lol.

Then on Saturday I just took the day to recover. My whole body was in so much pain from being so sick. I mean, it was like stinkin hot and I spent most of the week in a sweatshirt... But the elders came over and gave me a blessing and it really was exactly what I needed. So even though I was still sick, Saturday was better, I wasn't on my deathbed. Sister Cooper's sweet grandma sent a package to us and it had this little game with these jumpy frogs and that was most of Saturday. Sister Carter actually came over and spent the day with me, and sister Williamson took sister Cooper out. 

Sunday was amazing though. After that blessing, I was feeling the spirit so strong! I taught the gospel principles class and we talked about repentance and I feel like I learned so much! My new favorite scripture is D&C 19: 16-17. I had the class read it as it was and talk about it, and then read it again and instead or reading repent we read forgive. The spirit was so strong. 

I have also had lots of time to reflect on my mission so far and catch up on my journal writing. I can hardly keep up with all my journals. I go through them so fast. 
I am in need of some new journals, so if any of you find one that you like, don't be shy. Feel free to send them my way. It will be used, and VERY much appreciated. 

LOVE YOU ALL!! Don't be strangers, I love hearing from everyone. How is life going? Any crazy stories? If not, tell me your boring stories. I like those too hahaha 

Sister Grant