Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 45 | another transfer

I can't even believe that another transfer has come and gone. I feel like this transfer just started! I am so sad... Cooper is leaving me ðŸ˜­ No joke, we actually cried. She won't be very far, but we won't be in the same zone so it will feel like we are forever away. It has been a pretty crazy weekend. No one knew what was going on for transfers and everything was super last minute. Out of all 4 missionaries in my ward, I am the only one staying. The other half of the ward is getting white washed (they are putting elders in). So it's going to be way different. But I am excited. We will see how well I know the area... I'll probably be so lost for days. 
This week was really fun! We partied hard for our last week. We did morning sports with our zone pretty much everyday this week. So I am actually really sad because our zone got pretty close this week and now everyone is leaving. 

Got to go on exchanges with sister Williamson on Tuesday. We had a crazy day. Our lessons were pretty interesting. We met with someone that we actually just recently dropped and he was trying to bible bash Williamson really hard. I actually felt pretty bad because he has no filter and no boundaries. There is a reason we dropped him. We also got dropped by a few other people that day. But honestly the worst part was being on a bike. I don't know how I am going to survive a summer here. It got up to like 109 this week. This is too hot for my life. 

We also helped Dennis do Family History this week.That was awesome! We helped him get his brothers name ready to take to the temple. I am so excited, we are getting ready to go on Saturday. 

Another highlight from this week was going to to dinner with the other sisters. Their recent convert took us all out to dinner. He is SOOOO funny. He wanted to fly us to Scottsdale for dinner and then fly back. Not sure how he thought that was a good idea. But he settled for a pizza place downtown. 

Not sure of any other exciting things from this week. Pretty much all we did this weekend was go around our area so that sister Cooper could say goodbye to everyone. 
I am excited for this transfer, I just can't believe how fast this transfer went. 
I hope you are all doing well! It's so good to hear from you guys. 
Stay cool. But really, drink lots of water. I know I will lol
Sister Grant