Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 40 | DEFINITELY not in Thatcher anymore

Crazy week no doubt. But I love Sister Cooper, she is pretty great. My new area is so different. I'm DEFINITELY not in Thatcher anymore. The city is insane. It is a car share area, so we get the car when we need it and then the other sisters get the car when they need it. It is super nice, but it's about to get stupid hot. So I don't know how well everyone is going to play... This week was in the low 100's and its just barely getting started. I can't say I am too excited for that, but we'll still have fun. 
The work here is so different. I miss Thatcher, no doubt, but there are so many people to talk to now!! I only cover half of a ward here and there, but there is sooo much work. It is amazing! We have already taught some amazing lessons. We taught this one lady who is from Brazil, so she doesn't speak much English. But we have a member that comes with us that speaks Portuguese. It was such a powerful lesson. We taught her about the Restoration and she was very receptive and we even invited her to pray about baptism. So we are going back on Friday and are going to set a date with her. It has just been a really fun week.
Great news. NO MORE BUGS!!! We have a super nice apartment, probably one of the nicest in the mission. And the AC works, I don't have to worry about scorpions or cockroaches or any of those nasty bois getting in my bed anymore! I sleep like a baby at night. 
Today has been super fun. Because we are in the city there are actually things to go do around here. So some of the sisters got together and went to play mini golf. It was a blast. And of course I am just happy to be reunited with my dear sister Williamson. 
I feel like soooo much happened this week, but there is not a ton to really say. It has just been a ton of adjusting on my part. I am used to like 4 cars or so being on the road, now I am biking through more like 4 lanes of traffic. So I definitely have to be more careful, people here are like Utah drivers. Can be a little scary lol!
I also got to see some of the other sisters when they came down for a Leadership meeting which was fun. I am sad that Sister Gadd and I are not together. We have only been apart for 1 transfer, and it was the shortest transfer of the year. But I am excited to get to do more with the sisters here. 

I hope you are all doing well! Have a great week!

Sister Grant