Monday, May 14, 2018

Week 41 | What country am I in?

Happy Mother's Day! 

This week was different. We have been finding people from all over the world which has been really cool! We found a refugee family from Syria. They are the sweetest people! Before our lesson with them sister Cooper and I had to take a trip to the mission office, so I got to do some digging and found a Book of Mormon in Arabic pretty much every pamphlet there is in Arabic. It was the coolest lesson I've ever been apart of. The parents speak practically no English, so the kids do all the translating. But we kept it very simple and we showed a video of Christ. And for every attribute it talked about, we wrote it in Arabic. I've never used Google translate so much in my life! We also have been teaching these 2 guys that speak Swahili which has been fun. So I've been picking up on little phrases here and there in different languages. We are also about to set a baptismal date with a woman who pretty much only speaks Portuguese, her English is pretty rough. Not that it is a different language, but we also started teaching a blind woman and she reads Braille. I don't know, I just love Tucson! It's so diverse here! So many people from all over the world. I've been able to speak a little in ASL, I feel like I am learning so much. It's so much fun. Because there are 4 sisters in this ward I think we can actually pull it off, but we are going to start an English class. Because they are teaching people that speak other languages. I'm just so excited because I never thought I'd get an opportunity like this in the states. 

 Sister Miller and I (one of the other sisters in this ward) came out together and because we just hit our 9 months we lit some dresses on fire at a members house. It was cool. We just got some from the dead sisters closet (the stuff sisters leave behind when they move). I have to say, it was much better than my last fire! 

Oh yeah, Billy took us out to lunch this week! He loves the missionaries and he is at the mission office all the time. He is a member and goes around and takes different missionaries to lunch all the time. He is kinda the mission Grandpa. He brought us presents and took us to olive garden, we are pretty spoiled haha

Hope you all have a fantastic week

Sister Grant