Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 18

Another week gone by. Thanks for the package from the young women back home! Super cute picture and the popcorn was so good! 
Highlights from the week were zone conference and exchanges. Lots of fun and it was good to see everyone. We got to hear from Elder Maynes! He is a member of the 70. I learned a lot! It was awesome. 
Exchanges were tons of fun! Got to go out to San Manuel. It's a little town in the middle of nowhere! And everyone there is just slightly off.. I loved it! We passed this one house and they had an inflatable Santa that was like twice the size of the house haha! 
It's been amazing to participate in light the world!! It makes the work so much easier. Honestly everyone should do it. 
Kinda funny, sister Barker's sleep walking is getting so much worse. The other night she stole the covers off me, folded them and put them on the edge of her bed... that was a first! Then she got up last night and turned the lights on and was telling me to get ready. It was 3:40. I just told her she was asleep and she got back in bed. It's just funny more than anything, but I wake up at least once every night which gets kind of annoying. 
Anyways, don't have a ton to write about.  People keep asking about Christmas presents and honestly, lotion. I'm shriveling up out here. I've gone through all my lotion, and there is no bath and body works near me! It's a struggle. 
Love you all! Have an amazing week and LIGHT THE WORLD!
Sister Grant