Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Week 19

So many miracles this week! We found 2 new investigators :) As we have been doing Light the World there have been so many tender mercies. It has been such an amazing way to talk to people! And it has been so fun to get all the members involved and to hear their experiences! If anyone has any experiences from Light the World shoot me an email! I'd love to hear all about it! 
I think one of my favorite things this week has been seeing all the Christmas lights. People go all out here! like nothing Ive ever seen. One of our new investigators should honestly go on that show, my strange addictions, for Christmas decorations. My jaw dropped when I went inside.. First off, her whole yard is filled with inflatables that are like 8 ft high. there are probably around 30 of them. Then inside her house, every inch of the house is filled with some sort of Christmas something. she has 5 Christmas trees. Every cabinet is filled with Christmas mugs, plates, utensils, anything. She has over 500 plush Christmas toys that sing. The WHOLE house is decked out in lights. She has an entire room that was a display of one of those Christmas villages. It was over 200 houses. I mean, it was pure insanity. We are going back tonight, I will get some pictures because I can't even put into words how mind blowing it really was. And i'm sure you all think I'm exaggerating. I'M NOT.

I am pretty tired I gotta say. I get like no sleep. Sister Barker talks in her sleep ALL night. Like, even the earplugs don't do anything when she starts screaming. It is so annoying, but its also the funniest thing. She gets really mad in her sleep. So she will scream random names and say something like, "Yeah, well let me help you with that" and then she will mess up her bed. I don't know how I am not getting any of this on video! It just happens so fast, and it's so dark that I don't think the camera would be able to see it. 
Going on splits has been super fun. I actually feel bad because it looks like sister Williamson is my companion. I have hardly any pictures with sister barker. But it was really fun going to williamson's area. We went over to an investigator's house to help her wrap presents. She is in a wheelchair and can't use her hands. But she is the funniest person. We hit it off really fast and I almost didn't want to go back to my own area. We were wrapping presents, we turned on Christmas music and were singing so loud. It was just such a fun day. It was really refreshing to remember how fun missionary work can be. I get so stressed sometimes with dealing with so many people and they are all struggling with things that I can't even begin to understand. It can get really overwhelming. But there is really nothing better than losing yourself in service.

Speaking of service. I finally got to go back to Catalina state park this week to work! I hate missing it, but I have had doctors appointments and meetings every week that we haven't been able to go. And I can't even believe it. It was cold. I had jeans and a hoodie, but I was so cold. So they gave us all these cool state park volunteer windbreakers. I think the biggest reason why I have been cold is just because I don't actually have warm clothes. 
It was so beautiful, it actually rained the other day! We were so excited that after this lady slammed the door in our face we just stayed in her driveway to take pictures by the plants and you can see all the clouds. 
We went over to see Chuck this week. We couldn't go inside because we didn't find anyone who could go with us. But it was really sweet, he went inside and brought us both his big huge jackets to wear while we talked in his driveway. It was late when we went over there but we had to go drop off my present for him. I printed off all the pictures we took at the temple and put them into a photo album and I put all these pictures with cute quotes in there and I wrote him a letter that I put in the front pocket. He loved it! Haha he put it next to his wife's urn. I am so honored lol! I had to call sister Gadd to tell her, she just started laughing and I said I made it to the celestial level of Chuck. 
The ward Christmas party was on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. My recent convert's little girl Rosetta followed me around all night. She is 3. It was so cute, she was such a little copy cat. We shared a chair all night and any time I would cross my legs, she would too, or if I would fold my arms, she would too. She even took my necklace and wore it all night so that she could be like me. Just makes me smile :) 
It was also Sister Barker's birthday this week! It's so funny, I must be such a bad companion that the best gift I can give is a break from me for the day! Lol! We went on exchanges on her birthday. I only say that because we went on exchanges on sister Gadd's birthday too. Low key I think it was a sign! hahaha! 
Hope you all have a wonderful week :) Don't forget to light the world! and then tell me all about it! Love you all!
Sister Grant