Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 17

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 
My week has been pretty good. Just adjusting to a new companion really. She has been out for a while so she likes to do things her way, but she is good at what she does so I don't know why I am always so quick to fight it. I don't know if I said this before, but sister Barker is a sleepwalker and talker. It is soooo funny. She is crazy! She gets up in the middle of the night and will jump on the bed and scream and run around. She is not a mumbler either. She will speak so clearly! Its weird. I really gotta get a video sometime. 
I met some really cool people this week!! On Monday night we found this lady who is Jewish and lived through the Holocaust. Tons of her family died in the concentration camps. Her grandpa was the strongest man in the world! Look him up, I'm pretty sure he is called the mighty atom. She had all these bent iron bars that he would bend over his head and wrap around his arm. Crazy!

Also got to go to a members house for thanksgiving and it was awesome! Her family is super musically talented and most of them are performers. So we all ate outside and they put on a little concert. I could've stayed forever! They were amazing!! 
When I went to go see Donna this week I was so nervous. I had no idea how I was going to tell her that she is too sick to be baptized. But then after talking for a bit, her sister walked in! I had never met her. but the only thing I had ever heard was that she was super against Donna being baptized. But then I was able to talk to the both of them about temples, and how those who are not able to be baptized for themselves can be baptized in the temple. Her sister was so nice and gave me her number so that I could contact her if there is any news on what we can do to get Donna baptized. And Donna asked me if I would go and do her work in the temple. It was so so special. I still cant even believe that that all happened. 
Had a wonderful visit with my pal Chuck. We invited him to walk around the temple with us. So he came and we were able to read the Living Christ with him and answer his questions, talk about his concerns. And then we just walked around and took lots of pictures! He is the sweetest! I want to print off all the pictures I got of him and put them in a little book for him to keep. He keeps saying that he needs a break from the lds church. But he comes to church every time I invite him and he almost always meets us when we ask him. So we will just keep seeing him :)

I finally got my tiwi card! So I can drive now. Because my comp is the sister training leader, she goes on exchanges with all the other sisters, so then other sisters come and stay with me for the day. We do this like once a week. So its nice to be able to drive because I am the one who actually knows the area. And we drive like the nicest car which is fun. We still have the Malibu ;)
Gave a talk yesterday in church. They gave me no direction or time frame. but I think it was fine. I talked about being a disciple of Christ and how we can become more Christlike by not only changing our behavior but by ultimately changing our nature. That as missionaries and disciples of Christ, we stand as a witness of Him and that we must strive to be constantly converted to Him. 
I hope that you are all doing well!    
love you all
Sister Grant