Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 16

Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well. 
This week has been madness! Been keeping super busy. So transfers were on Tuesday! Sister Barker and her last comp came in a day early because they were in the Gila valley and are still training so I got to meet her early! It was sad I didn't get to go to the transfer sight and say my goodbyes but all is well. Sister Barker is so sweet, very motivated and obedient. One of the most dedicated missionaries in the mission. It's awesome, it'll just take some adjusting on my part.. lol! 
Man we sure went straight to work on Tuesday. Sometimes I feel like she is the energizer bunny of missionaries, and there is no off switch haha! I almost feel bad because this whole time I'm thinking I really enjoy being a missionary and that I work pretty hard.. nope. Sister Barker makes me look like a disobedient slacker hahaha! But I think this will be good. Whip me into shape with a smile. 
I will say, taking over the area has been a bit stressful. I know the area I know the people, I know the needs of the people we are working with but right before transfers there have been a few people to drop some bombs for news and I feel like it all kinda fell on my head. Sister Barker goes home in February, so she is a well seasoned missionary but I feel like it's more about knowing these people, so I've had to call sister Gadd a few times to ask for help because Sister Barker doesn't know these people yet.. 
I was so excited because we got Donna to church yesterday! It was pretty hectic, but she was able to come for sacrament. Some members of the ward went to go pick her up. I am so glad that she came this week because it was the primary program! She loved it, and Chuck came too! He said that it was the best Sunday service he'd ever been to. Then after sacrament, Donna was feeling sick so we went with the members to take her back... oh gosh it was so bad! She was mumbling and we couldn't understand her. Then she just threw up everywhere! All over herself, I felt sooooo bad. But she just wasn't there. She is really digressing. I talked to president and he said she isn't cleared to be baptized. I'm sooo sad. I think her time is coming soon. It's been hard to watch her wither away. But we got her to church.. 
This week has just been super busy trying to catch sister Barker up on everything. But it's been really cool to see how much I've progressed. In my personal study I've been reading an article on becoming a consecrated missionary. It's really opened my eyes on what it means to become. I know I'm not a bad missionary, but there are just so many things I want to be better at.  I just have to take it one step at a time, one thing at a time and as long as I am striving to become better and more consecrated, the Lord will make up for the list of things I still need to improve on. 
I'm still trudging along, just trying to remember to smile. 

Love you all! 
Sister Grant