Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 14

This week was long and short at the same time. It was really weird. But honestly I'm so excited for transfers! Sister Gadd and I are friends, but we seem to be getting on each other's nerves.  It's just hard to be glued at the hip with someone 24-7 for like 3 months. 
Even though we sometimes struggle things are going very well. My district is pretty great and we have lots of fun. My investigators are awesome! Chuck is my favorite person in the world! He is 88 and we are going to invite him to be baptized pretty soon. We have to keep teaching the plan of salvation over and over because he always forgets. But he is such a hoot 🤣 He always calls me little Grant and says he would join the church as soon as I am the bishop hahaha! He comes to church and everyone in the ward loves him!
Sadly our other investigator Donna (the old woman with ms) is in the hospital. She has fallen everyday for like 2 weeks and the last time was pretty bad. Once she is out of the hospital they are going to move her to a nursing home where they can take better care of her. So I'm happy she will be getting the care she needs. But it also means she will be out of my area. So I'll have to pass her on. But lucky for the missionaries who get her! We set a baptism date with her this week. 
Our zone focus is on getting people to the temple. So we have been setting temple dates with everyone this week. I am excited because everyone is accepting it very well! I can't wait to be able to go to the temple with them! 
This Sunday was pretty cool, it was regional conference. I've never actually had a regional conference before. We met as a stake and heard from our stake president. Then we watched a broadcast from Salt Lake. Elder Christofferson spoke which was pretty good. Honestly I don't remember what he even talked about. I was practicing sign language the whole time... 
Not a whole lot to talk about this week, and not a whole lot of pictures. To be honest, the most interesting thing about this week is that sister Gadd and I are trying this new thing. We got this new spray deodorant, but it's like all natural, no anti perspirant. And we got this special detoxing clay that is supposed to be really good for your skin.. we'll have to see how well it works, but it's supposed to be way better for you than regular deodorant. One of the ladies we are teaching was telling us all about it. So if it works I eventually won't have to really put anything other than the little spray and I won't smell at all. But for now I'm pretty sure I smell so bad hahaha! 
Hope everyone else had a good week! 
Sister Grant