Monday, October 2, 2017

Week 9

Nothing too exciting this week, it actually went by super fast. I've noticed that it goes every other week. I'll have a long week, then a crazy short week, then another long one. There really hasn't been an in between. Pretty much all of our appointment canceled on us, didn't hear back from any of our investigators. So we did a ton of finding this week. We passed out like 15 BoM's this week. We tried going through our potentials list and seeing everyone. It was good, stayed busy, it just went fast. 

Because we got FB sister Gadd has been wanting to change her profile pic, so we took lots of pictures this week. We would just stop at random places for a little photo shoot hahaha most of them are ridiculous and I can't stop laughing at them. 

One fun thing actually was that we got to go out to eat on Friday! Our dinner appointment canceled on us and dropped off a gift card for this Italian pizza and wine place. It was really good. But it was fun to go out to eat and just talk. Going to people's houses is nice, but honestly keeping up small talk all the time is exhausting! But as we were eating, we were sitting outside and this guy and his wife walk up and asked if we've been to frost. It's this really super amazing gelato place next to the restaurant we were eating at. And before we could say yes or no, he slips me a 20 and and says that they're buying. They were so nice! And yes we have been to frost before but it got paid for by a member last time too! So I've never had to pay for it. And it honestly is the BEST gelato.  

Conference was so good. I watched most of the sessions at the church. But I watched the first and the last sessions at people's houses. We went over to Donna' s for the first. She is the sweet older woman with ms. And the last one with our investigator Shandra. She totally forgot and all of them were asleep. I mean it's probably what I'd be doing if I wasn't a missionary. But it was the 1 o'clock session.. We walk inside and it was a mess. Like we had to move tons of stuff just to see the tv. Then her boys start telling me about their bird. I'm like, you don't have a bird.. And then they take out this pigeon out of a box! They picked up a pigeon and kept it! Not sure if many of you know, it's weird, but I HATE PIGEONS. They were like holding it, petting it, kissing it! It would fly near me and it took everything in me not to dive for cover. I can tolerate a pigeon of its outside, but what in the world am I supposed to do if it's actually in the house! Oh and I forgot to mention, the pigeons name is Jeff. It was an interesting session. I'll probably have to go back and rewatch that one. 

Transfers are tomorrow (tuesday) I'm staying here I'm the NW zone with sister Gadd. So should be another good transfer. We have all the new sister trainers staying with us till the greenies get here. It's a party lol! 
Hope everyone is doing well. If anyone has any cute uplifting quotes feel free to send them my way. Either email, or over Facebook. Like Pinterest kinda quotes that I can print out and put up around my apartment. Also, I'd love to hear what everyone's favorite talk was and cool insights you had. 

Lots of love!
Sister Grant ♡