Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 8

What a crazy week! I hope I can remember everything that happened. I guess I'll just go over each day. 
Tuesday was a good day. I got to go see Donna. She is an eternal investigator, but we still go see her because she is so sweet. She has ms and got some not so good news, but we go over twice a week to read the scriptures with her. We also went over to Rachel's, our most recent convert. We got to do some family history to help her find names to take to the temple. Then we had an early birthday party for sister Gadd because it was her birthday this week. They got a cake and everything it was super cute. 

Wednesday was zone conference! We carpooled with sister Hammond and Sister Johnson. It was good. It was pretty much just a bunch of directions on how to use Facebook. So if you didn't already see, I do get to use Facebook now. You might hear from me more. But the main thing it's used for is messenger. It's pretty cool actually because we can have lessons we people over fb. Either messaging or video chat. It makes it way easier to get a hold of people because it's a way more casual and comfortable way to talk. I can get messages from anyone, however unless it's an investigator I still can't respond till p day. 

Then on Wednesday night I went on my first exchange! So I spent the night in Marana. Marana is awesome! I loved it! I was with sister Kennach, one of my STL's and she is actually from Tacoma WA so that's kinda cool. They actually live in a member's garage. They set it up all nice and cozy, but it's still a garage.. lots of cockroaches! I kept finding them everywhere, and they wouldn't die. So we would just sweep them all up and dump them outside. They'd crawl back up if you flushed them. So my Thursday was spent in Marana which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. The people were crazy and it was so much fun. We knocked on some pretty sketchy doors but it was good because we found 3 new investigators that day! I also got to invite a lady to be baptized, they call her the tree house lady because she was legit living in a treehouse when they met her. But now she lives in an old abandoned camper. It's impossible to find! You drive out in the middle of nowhere, and then have to go back into this tiny grove of trees and then you have to get out and walk to the camper. But she was awesome! Such a sweet spirit, and a good sense of humor. Also got to meet with this other couple that the sisters have been trying for a long long time to get in with. And then they told us all about how We couldn't come over before because their drug dealer was trying to kill them... yeah we kinda joked about it after because boy did they open up right away! Telling us all about their life on meth. As sad as it was, they were so funny! But it was a good day and I learned a ton from sister Kennach! 

Then I got to go home that night and party it up with sister Gadd! It was her birthday and because I didn't spend the day with her we stayed up talking and I gave her the birthday present I'd been hiding all week. I'm surprised that it worked! She like actually had no idea that I got her anything. And that's really hard to do when you always have to be within sight and sound. So I was pretty proud of myself! 

Friday was planning day and we got a ton finished but nothing to exciting to talk about! We did go out to pass out BoM's.
Saturday was a bit crazy to say the least. Women's conference was great! But afterwards was not great. We went out contacting some potentials and ran into a scary situation. First gun pulled on me. Kinda, don't worry we weren't ever held at gunpoint but he was a drunk.. Then we ended up driving into a cactus and that sucked too! So not the best night but one I will never forget that's for sure. I'm doing alright, I'm safe and that's what really matters!  
Sunday was great, our investigator Chuck came to church! He is 88 and such a sweetheart. He was so funny, he couldn't really hear anything anything in sacrament so he got a little annoyed. But we helped him follow along with the hymns and it was very sweet. He came to all 3 hours though and loved it! It made my day no doubt to see him feel the spirit and express his love and gratitude for his Father in Heaven. 

Today has been pretty crazy too! We got special permission from president Browning to go to the central zone to visit one of sister Gadd's old investigator whose son is in the hospital. We went with the Elders who were able to give them both blessings. It's pretty crazy, their whole family was supposed to be baptized on Saturday but ended up in the hospital! So it was cool to be with them today and help them through this hard time. And because it was a pediatric cancer they brought miniature ponies to see all the kids. 

Hope everyone is doing well, having fun! The weather is certainly cooling down here! It's in the 80's and it's crazy how much cooler it really feels! 
Love you all! 
Sister Grant