Monday, September 11, 2017

Week 6

This week was definitely focused on miracles!! Our zone focus is to pass out a Book of Mormon each day, and to text in all the miracles that we see. We were able to hand out at least one book everyday, if not 2 or 3 which is awesome!! We found 2 new investigators who are excited for us to come back and teach them all the lessons and we have a baptism this week which I am super excited about. Her name is Rachel and she was the first person that I invited to be baptized. I get to speak and do a musical number at her service so that will be really cool. It has been such a privilege to teach her about the gospel and watch her come closer to Christ and see the light in her eyes. I am also so glad that she is so chill. The ward is pretty new and so this is the first baptism in the ward, so people are very excited. But the ward is filled with a lot of seniors who just make the oddest comments. And people have made some pretty strange comments to her and her husband. So I am relieved that they know to take everything with a grain of salt. She is Native American, and yesterday at church one of the older men kept making racist jabs because her husband is white and she isn't. I was mortified that he wouldn't drop the topic. But honestly, the ward keeps me entertained, there is always something to laugh about. Sister Gadd and I have a good time. 

Other than the fact that everything here wants to kill me, I love it here. This week I got to run from a bunch of wild animals! While tracting, a skunk popped out of the bushes with its tail up. I ran so fast!! It was a close call hahaha. Then the other night after handing out another book, we were walking to our apartment and there was a herd of Javelina pigs blocking the path to get home! There were 6 or 7 at least and we had to run around to the other side of the complex and wait till they were gone. I wish I got pictures but I was too busy running away!
Met some wonderfully crazy people this week. We got a call from this lady asking for help organizing her cupboards, so we went over there and she had hurt her foot and was scooting around on a lawn chair in her studio apartment. We walk in, and it smelled like she hadn't left in months, she also acted like it too. It was pretty funny. She was on so many meds that I honestly couldn't follow along with most of what she said. Also met this other guy while tracting with the biggest tumor I've ever seen! It hung over his belt and was the size of a grapefruit, or maybe even a mini watermelon. He was almost totally blind and almost deaf. To talk we were pretty much screaming at him, it was so funny. But he just started talking, showing us around his yard and his house. He didn't even ask us who we were before he started showing us around. He just kept telling us crazy stories of living by the border, and kept calling us boys.

Some other miracles from this week that were pretty amazing, we gave out the good book to this woman and her daughter in an apartment complex, gave them our number and a couple verses to read. Didn't hear anything back of course, but then we randomly went to the library, and she saw us and flagged us down. She said that she read the scriptures we gave her and that it must be a sign from God that she found us again. She said that her daughter had been asking about us and that they want to meet! So we gave her another scripture to read with her daughter and told her to meet with us later this week! So I am way excited that happened! 
Starting to get used to the heat a little bit.. having a hat has helped a ton! Also had to get bug spray and itch cream because I am still being eaten alive each night. But a am really getting into the swing of things and feel like I know the area pretty well! Im excited for this week and can't wait to tell you all how it goes!
Love you lots!
Sister Grant