Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 10

This week's sure been swell! On Monday, I told you guys that people were coming to stay with us. My grandpa of the mission, sister Carter was here! Super fun! Lots of hugs and good times staying up all night having a blast. We even went out on Tuesday for lunch with her new comp. Had my first Sanoran dog! 

Then Wednesday during our zone breakout we get a text from sister Carter. She has lice. So we called her after to ask if she was messing with us, nope not a joke. So we check our hair and sure enough sister Gadd has the nits. Thank the heavens, we have not found any in my hair! But I have washed EVERYTHING. It's annoying because sister Gadd freaks out beyond no belief, she thinks she's cleaning... she's not. Someone said that if you mix tee tree oil and water it can help prevent lice. We don't even know if that's true. But all she does is spray everything and take naps. Of course i let her tell everyone that she cleans, but I can't even tell you how many loads of laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing, literally everything I've done while she naps. And then who actually gets to go through her hair? Oh yeah, that would be me. I get to go through her hair every night. And really, it could be so much worse! Sister Carter apparently has like hundreds in her hair. I find about 7-15 nits every night. So it's annoying but it could be worse. But she is like a child, she doesn't sit still to let me go through her hair! And it's not like I'm gonna let her just live with it, because I don't want to get it! 

Alright, sorry for the total pity party rant. Other than dealing with lice, the week hasn't been THAT bad. I've been super dehydrated even though I drink tons of water, so I'm trying to drink more Powerade and Gatorade, but my skin hurts because I'm so dry. Not a ton of lessons this week because either we had to cancel or people canceled on us. But the lessons that we did have this week were so great! I feel like I really gained the trust and respect of the people I'm teaching. Everyone loved the missionary before me and were really disappointed when I replaced her. But now that they've gotten to know me and be open with me I feel like things are going much better. 
I really don't remember a ton from this week.. It's all been kind of a blur. We only had a couple dinners this week. Most people canceled on us, so we went out a lot. We got to go to MOD pizza which made me happy. But really this week has just been all about getting rid of lice. I wish we could've done more, but we just didn't see too many people. 

The weather is starting to get to that perfect Tucson temperature! And I'm more used to it. But the nights are about 83 and it honestly feels perfect. Normally I'd say that's really hot for at night but it feels so much cooler. It was funny too because my comp and I had a debate about if 90 was hot or warm, of course I said 90 is hot. But I lost, everyone said 90 is perfect because it's warm. 

Yeah, nothing else much to talk about this week. Trying to find some new Pday things to go do. We don't do very much, sister Gadd just like to sleep and I get really stir crazy so I am demanding that we go somewhere other than the church and wallmart. 

This week in my personal study I've been focusing on Grace and mercy. I love the imagery when mercy is talked about. I had never noticed that the scriptures almost always mention something about God's hands or arms. Like his merciful hand or merciful arm. It makes me think of a hug, and how he loves each of us so much that he forgives us, has compassion on us, and is waiting for us with open arms ready to love us and hold us if we have the faith and trust in him to catch us. Because we will always fall. 

Love you all! Have a good week
Sister Grant