Monday, October 15, 2018

Week 63 | Transfers.....clown from IT?

What's up party people? 
So tomorrow is transfers and guess what... I am staying in PIMA! Yeah, I can't believe it. It'll be my 5th transfer here, making my time here a total of 7 1/2 months! That's a long time for a missionary. But I am actually so excited! I am even staying with my dear companion Sister Wilcox!! This is what really blew my face off, because I have not stayed with a companion longer than 1 transfer other than when I was being trained by sister Gadd, and then when I was training sister Zamora. So this will be so nice to actually stay with a companion. And it's Halloween!!!! oooooo my favorite! It is going to be a fun transfer, there isn't much change in the zone which is always nice.

At the beginning of this week I had an appointment in the Oro Valley, so of course we had to stop at the temple. We didn't go inside, but it felt amazing outside and we were able to walk around and take some pictures. *Cool miracle* As we were about to go back to our car we decided to take one last picture by the front doors of the temple. And when we did, out of the temple walks some of my favorite people from my first area!! I was so excited to see them. And I was actually really shocked that they recognized who I was so fast. It has been almost a full year since I have been in that area, and lets be honest, who actually remembers the missionaries. But they were so excited to see me. So we got to catch up for a little bit and take some pictures together. It was such a tender mercy to see them. Man! The blessings of going to the temple, am I right?

Nothing fun to report on this week. I was a sick little missionary this week! It was the worst. I had bronchitis all week. So I was stuck in bed for like 3 days. I couldn't stand for longer than like 5 minutes. Oh and yes, I sound like a man. We share the ward with some elders and I am afraid that when people call they are going to think they called the elders by accident. The first day I was sick and my voice was all messed up the elders called and they actually thought I was pulling a prank on them. I don't even know why they would think that... (I have done that before) Elder Wilson actually thought that I was a guy. And it was sad how much convincing it took until he believed that it really was me.

I don't remember much of this week to be honest. I think the last time I was this sick was when I got the flu really bad back when I was with Cooper. So this week was spent in my jammies. Mostly napping, ate some food, and played a couple games of skip-bo with Wilcox. My poor companion. I was probably a real jerk. I get a little grumpy when I am sick... And there is nothing worse than being sick as a missionary, there is NOTHING to do. And you can only watch church movies so many times... It was not pretty. 

Hope you all had a splendid week. Tell me all about it! 

Yours truly,
Sister Grant