Monday, October 1, 2018

Week 61 | Elder Robbins

What an intense week! 
But first I want to say, I think mentioned going to Sarah's wedding in November. Yeah totally forgot to mention that it is November of 2019!! Sorry, yeah I don't actually come home till February 

Anyways. This week was super exciting and spirit filled. You guys. PAT GOT BAPTIZED!!!! I could cry. I honestly didn't think it would happen. As soon as we set a date with him it felt like everything hit the fan. I mean, it normally does. But it was nuts! I kept thinking that there was no way I could be more stressed and then the next day would hit, and what do ya know, I would be even more stressed! hahaha But I survived with most of my hair still on my head 😉 He was so nervous to get in the water. He had this fear of the actualbaptismall font... He is pretty tall and so he was worried about not being able to bend back into the water. But good news!! Everything went really smoothly! We pretty much pulled it together the night before! And that is totally not like me...🤔😅 lol! But it was literally up in the air until the afternoon before and so as soon as President Browning gave us the okay we spent the rest of the day getting things together. I ended up giving the talk on the Holy Ghost, but other than that I was so relieved that we were able to find members to come and to help! GO PIMA WARD!!! 

Also, Elder Robbins of the 70 came and spoke to us this week for zone conference!! It was so cool! He is an amazing speaker, he just was filled with so much love and excitement! It was awesome. I feel like I was just scrambling to get down all my notes the whole time!! I am so sorry I don't have the pics from zone conference yet. BUT guess who is the luckiest person in AZ? Yeah, that's right, me! I am totally kidding, I actually have the absolute WORST luck it's not even funny! But, this week I was super fortunate to be able to go to the mission leadership conference with elder Robbins. And guess what.. I am not even leadership!!! hahaha! I got to go because the sister who was supposed to go was super sick and so President asked me if I could be there. So I said HECK YES!!! jk, I would not say that to President... but I did give him a very enthusiastic yes! It was really really special! He was able to really talk with us and help us to be better missionaries and really make a difference in our mission. I learned so much. Although I felt super out of place, because that never happens that someone who is not leadership goes to MLC. But it was really fun and I was able to go and talk to him for a little after the conference and I even got to sneak a pic with him and his wife!! 

Anyways, don't have much time, but I think I covered the most important stuff! Oh yeah, I also met batman yesterday!! hehehe what a cutie, Cecil had been waiting all week to show me his batman costume! 

Love you all!

Sister Grant