Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 31

Okay, this week was the longest week of my life. Each day felt like a month long! I'm pretty tired. But I'll see if I can remember some of the highlights. 
At the beginning of the week I was so sick of all my clothes, I tried everything on and was just not feeling it. But I put on whatever and went about my day. And then we went to dinner and it was the greatest miracle!! A lady in my ward owns Junie Blake (look it up on FB). She and her sister design all the clothes and they have consultants all over the place who sell their stuff. But she just had this big sale, And they were giving away a ton of clothes. Stuff that didn't sell, some stuff had some deformities, but most of it was good, they make new designs and after it has been out for a while they take it down and come up with new stuff. So it was all the old stuff that was still perfect. She let us go ham and take whatever we wanted!! I left with a whole garbage bag full of new outfits!! I am so excited!! Its got a really cute vintage look, all really unique! It was amazing, I thought I was going to cry! It was like Disneyland 😍
I got a package this week from my dear friend sister Williamson back in Tucson. She is so funny, she sent me face masks to do with my companion. One was a tiger and one was a dragon. We had so much fun with that! It was so funny

We went to go teach one of our investigators the other day and we found a cat... 
The poor thing was bit by some animal right on the throat, it was so skinny it's nothing but bones. so we took her... I can't believe sister Zamora talked me into it. But we love that little kitty. We took her home and cleaned her up, fed her, put some ointment on the gash in her throat. We kept her for the day. And let me say, giving her back was sooooo hard lol! I don't think anyone feeds her, so we might give her some food every time we go over there. But when we dropped her off she kept trying to follow us home. She never even wanted to leave our apartment. That was quite the adventure. But it was fun. 


On Sunday, our mission president was in town. Which never happens because we are all the way out in the boonies. But he was speaking at the other stakes stake conference. And we get a call in the middle of church. He wanted to meet with us. So of course I'm freaking out, like oh no what's wrong. But when I went in to meet with him, he said that he had been thinking of me and he saw the name Grant in the program and it was an answer to him that he needed to talk to me. I just started crying and told him all the things I've been stressed about and the things I've been worried about and struggling with. I feel bad, I just dumped everything on him. But he smiled at me and said, I had a feeling that I needed to come and give you a blessing today. Of course I just started crying even harder (tears of joy and relief). I had been contemplating if I should get a blessing or not for a while. But he was able to give me a blessing right then and it was exactly what I needed. What a miracle!! A total answer to my prayers. It helped me to know that God is aware of me and that he loves me. He loves me so much that he was willing to send my mission president all the way from Tucson to give me a priesthood blessing. 

Hope you're all doing well! Have a great week!!
love you all,

Sister Grant