Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 4

I love this mission! It's so pretty here (surprisingly), I'm more in Oro Valley which is the greenest part of Tucson. The wildlife here is crazy! I got to do some service at Catalina state Park, and they took us to this reptile room to play with snakes. I was holding this one snake and it kept wrapping around my waist (it was a giant snake btw) and then when someone else would try to hold it, it would constrict around my wrist. I left with marks on my arm because it was so tight. It actually cut off circulation for a bit. Scary, but super cool hahaha

My trainer is awesome. We joke that we are the same person. We have a ton of matching clothes, same kind of humor, we say things at the same time. AND GET THIS... Her name is Abbi, she has a sister named Megan, another sister named Carli, and her mom's name is Leslie!! Crazy!! She loves sleep, so we go to bed pretty early every night which is wonderful!

Life is good. Not stressed yet so that's nice. My comp says I'm one of three most chill greenies, so she gave me the phone on the first day. Apparently I wasn't supposed to get it till like next week,. But we cover 2 wards so it is really nice because it helps me learn where people are.  My first day we found 2 new investigators and gave out a few BOMs. I also got to injure someone to be baptized, honestly I don't know how I've been so lucky. I was expecting to have to explain the importance of baptism and all that. But she just looked at me and said, actually I don't want to be baptized on the 30th of September(which was the date I extended) I want to be baptized sooner,  my birthday is on the 18th can I be baptized then? So yeah, life is pretty great in Tucson so far.  

There are cactus everywhere and it's pretty hot, but it's not as bad as i thought it would be. I haven't felt out of place at all. The sunsets are amazing!

Covering two wards is a little tricky trying to know names with faces and what ward they're in, but the people are nice and really helpful.

I went over to the ward mission leader's house and he seemed really cool. And then as we were finishing up he was like, do you mind if I let my turtles in the house? Hahaha he had a little dessert tortuous named Turrley t. Tortoise that he let us hold and play with.  And he also had a giant tortoise named big T hahaha. He loves them so much and talks to them like they are puppies. Wasn't expecting that.. But I thought it was pretty funny. 

Also got to help my APs clean their new apartment.  They wouldn't move in because it was so nasty! So my comp and I and our ZLs went and helped them deep clean. It was like a nasty motel! I spent like an hour and a half just scrubbing the walls.  But it was fun I guess, and we found a guy in the parking lot who helped us with directions, so we gave him a BOM 

Not to much else happened this week. Sorry I don't have nearly as many pictures. Honestly, I feel like I never stop sweating so I never wanna take a picture.

Till next week! 
