Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week 3

I'm here in Tucson, and I love it! The more I learn about this mission the more excited I get! It's crazy, I was so emotional when I called home and was scared when I landed, but as soon as I met the mission president and his wife, I've felt nothing but peaceful.  I was the first to get a picture with them and we get along great! They are fun and pretty chill. It was awesome too because as we took pictures we got to watch the eclipse. 

Tucson is the HOTTEST MISSION THERE IS!! I'm sweating so bad. But it's actually beautiful here! I am in the north west zone, right by the new temple! It's in my zone. I am right in Tucson and so I get to see the mission pres and his wife all the time. And the AP's are in my district. Hahaha apparently I need to be watched. But my apartment is actually pretty nice.

Did I tell you about the monsoon season here? Yeah, it's hot all year and then they have a monsoon season. Look up pictures of monsoons in Tucson, it's pretty crazy! 

My New companion is sister Gadd, and she is great! She is super understanding and chill. She is sarcastic and fun, I think we'll get along just fine! 

I am so excited to be here. I feel so good. I got off the plane and it just felt right. I don't feel out of place at all! Hahaha I'm almost too relaxed.
P day is on Monday. So I'll send more then, but I only got a quick minute to say I'm alive. 

Here are more photos from the MTC: